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Vulnerability Assessment

This is frequently used as a baseline to identify existing vulnerabilities if any to an organization's internal or external interfaces. At Codehesive, we go beyond common practice of generating an automated report. We actually review the vulnerabilities and write a report specific to every customer's situation.

Penetration Test

Penetration tests are often mixed up with vulnerability assessments in conversations. At Codehesive, our penetration testing involves using trained ethical hacker (human) to execute penetration tests against customers' designated objectives. We often say this is not an automated test.

Security Assessment

This is often a combination of vulnerability assessment, penetration test, risk assessment and may even include a review of applicable current policies. Every organization is different. The scope of an assessment will depend on factors such as its current state of readiness, budget, compliance requirements and past performance/history.


Cyber Security Training

It was often said the best way to compromise an organization's security is from the inside. That is wide cyber security training is very important for every organization. At Codehesive, we combined the best of both worlds, i.e. conventional face to face training and scheduled computer-based training. Not only we train all human participants, we also test them, phish them, 'hack' them on management driven campaigns to ensure the awareness is widespread and security becomes a culture.

Information Security Principles Compliance

Security is compulsory for every organization. In the business world, especially in the financial/banking industries, many businesses realize their own insistence on security need to be adhered to also by their business peers. At Codehesive, we specialize in helping organizations navigate these 'up stream' requirements, provide compliance solutions and suggestions to close existing gaps to attain compliance. 


​Web Application Security Assessment

As more and more applications are available for open access, it is also open for attack. At Codehesive, our web application security assessment is conducted based on the foundation of the OWASP principles. It is a human driven testing assisted by sophisticated tools to target application vulnerabilities.


Mobile Apps Security Assessment

This assessment shares the common objectives as the web application assessment plus the additional set up/work to be done specifically on mobile platforms; mainly Apple iOS and Google Android devices. At Codehesive, our engineers drills into all aspects of a mobile app; including its 'always-on' nature to detect security vulnerabilities and possible data exposures.

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